Good Grief

The Good Grief talks have been in preparation for some months. Grief and loss is such an important part of our lives and The Friends have tried very hard to get this right. We hope that an opportunity to demystify, plan for and talk about all aspects of grief will be welcome to a wide…

Categorised as Past Events

Wellbeing Nutrition Talk

Eat yourself healthy- Gut Health and Why It Matters- explores what the gut microbiome is, the importance for our health, the science and what researchers know (and don’t yet know) and what we can do to help ourselves to better health. 

Auction of Promises and Gala Dinner

It is with huge regret we have chosen to postpone this years auction of promises and gala dinner.We will keep you updated with future events.

Categorised as Past Events

The Big Clean

FOSMS volunteers descended on the Church Room for a big clean, and various minor maintenance jobs, to tidy the place up for future events.