Church Room ‘Open Afternoon’
Sat. 4th June

Pop in for a cup of tea, delicious homemade cakes, and an opportunity to visit Kathy Brown’s garden just round the corner.

Carols at the Red Lion

Carol Singing

6:30pm Friday 17th December 2021. Brass Band accompaniment, Mulled Wine and Mince Pies.

Virtual Open Gardens 2021

Following on from the successful virtual event in 2020, we are planning a similar ‘virtual’ event this year, 2021. This year’s theme is ‘my garden through the seasons’. Not necessarily a month by month account, but some winter, spring, summer and autumn pictures. We hope this might give a more varied display than the mainly…

Plant Sale – Sat. 12th June

At the Church Room, 10am – 1pm. Our first fund-raising event for many months, so do please support generously. Plants can be left in the garden or the hall any time during the previous week.

Behind the Scenes in the Sale Room

Friday 8th Nov, 7 for 7:30pm in the Church Room Two course dinner followed by an after-dinner talk by David Fletcher, professional valuer and regular BBC TV ‘Flog It’ presenter.(You may remember him from our successful Auction of Promises in 2016.) Ticket £10 from the Church Room or John Duffield.Licenced bar.